What is the real name Tiger Woods? The truth behind one of the largest decisions of life Tour Pro ……

What is the real name Tiger Woods? The truth behind one of the largest decisions of life Tour Pro ……


15 Mayors. He has 82 PGA Tour wins and holds the longest consecutive number one ranking. And so much more. Everyone knows all those Tiger Woods records. Make no mistake, most people in the golf world know just about everything about him from his illustrious 26-year career, in fact, anyone who knows anything at all about the sport associates it with him. But there may be an unknown


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Does Tiger Woods’ real name say more about his personality than his legendary golf career?


15 majors. He has 82 PGA Tour wins and holds the longest consecutive number one ranking. And more. Everyone knows all of these Tiger Woods disks. Without a doubt, the majority of the golf course knows almost everything about him thanks to his famous 26 -year career. In fact, anyone who even makes sport slightly connect him with him. But there may still be unknown factors.


We all know him as Tiger Woods, but the origin of his name may still be a mystery to some. Yes, that’s right, the beloved legend’s name is not “Tiger.” The golfer was given the name “Eldrick Tont Woods” at birth by his mother, Kultida, who wanted to make sure his name started with the same letter as his father, Earl Woods. “Tonnotably” is a traditional Thai name that translates to “beginning.” And boy, was it right for a golfer! After all, he “started” a whole new era of golf. As for the name, everyone already knows: why Tiger? And how did this happen? Actually, Tiger was a nickname given to Woods by his father, and it stuck. Earl Woods had a very close friend and a Vietnamese soldier, Colonel Vuongo Dang Fong. Now Fontga has been called the “tiger” by its close partners, and in its honor, Little Woods began to be called “Tiger”

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